Art & Soul Exhibit
My Paintings will be showcased at the Art & Soul Happening 543 Clingmans Lane, Chattanooga, TN
My Paintings will be showcased at the Art & Soul Happening 543 Clingmans Lane, Chattanooga, TN
Art & Soul Exhibit featuring some of my art -543 Clingmans Lane, Chattanooga
Ive been selected to be one of the Artist at this prestigious event.
“Dichotomy” will be one of the Paintings in McCallie Schools Auction Event visit for more information. Preview begins and early auction begins February 15th
6 of my paintings will be on display as one of the selected emerging artists for the 4 Bridges Art Festival - Frazier Avenue in the heart of Chattanooga’s North Shore
The 4 Bridges Art Festival in which Michael has been selected as one of the 5 emerging artists to be featured will be held as a virtual format September 3-5th.
Michaels work will also be in a show at AVA coming in January/February
You can view my interview with the Association for Visual Arts at or
My Yearly Art Show will be at Lakeside Tavern in Knoxville, Tennessee
It is open to the public
I will try and reschedule my Art Show later in the year after this pandemic has passed.
“Faith” will be one of the auction items to raise money for ChildHelp
The What Not Shop at 4106 Brainerd Rd. Chattanooga, Tn is now carrying by art
I’m thrilled to be invited to share my art in this Exhibit. I hope you will attend
Morning Feed has been selected by the Auction committee for Little Miss Mag Fund Raising event May 10th.
Madonna & Child has been selected to be included in the Auction at "Journey 2019" Hospice of Chattanooga's yearly fund raising event March 9
Woods has been selected for the AVA jury selected Art Exhibit . The exhibit starts September 6th
"Song" has been accepted in the upcoming Pride & Protest" Exhibition by the Association for Visual Arts. Opening reception is on June 1 from 5:30 PM - 8 PM at 30 Frazier Ave, Chattanooga, Tn. Exhibit will be until June 29th
York & Friends fine art - 107 Harding Place, Nashville, TN and Palladio Interiors - 2215 Central Avenue, Memphis, TN are now carrying my Art. I'm very excited to be associated with these 2 amazing art galleries!